Tuesday 23 March 2010

"tis been a long cold winter but now it's spring!

A quick recap for those that want to know...

Well we're now living in a lovely spot, very secluded, large garden on the edge of a woodland just a few minutes from our little house that we WILL start renovating very soon!

We have 2 pigs, 7 hens - just 2 laying at the moment, a beautiful
cockerel called (Arthur!) and lots of anonymous white chickens we are raising for our freezer. Killing you're own food is no fun believe me, we are currently battling with our consciences as we have to kill the pigs... We feel like traitors, but we have given them a lovely life in the woods, they are happy and content and now it is 'that time'. We have two appointments today, one with the slaughterer and one with the butcher - I'll tell you how it goes...